Saturday, May 7, 2011

Drama- April/May Edition

ES1 Drama students performing their 'Hip/Hop' dance routine for a live audience.
ES2 Drama students in Mozart and Shakespeare continue to work on their scenes from Chekhov’s The Proposal

Students in Picasso performed their finished scenes the last days of April. The end results were astonishingly confident and strong, and evinced the consistently hard work the students put into the rehearsing of their scenes.

In addition, ES2 students will have six weeks of dance lessons with Mariana Verón starting on the second full week of May. Sessions will run on Wednesdays periods 4 for Shakespeare, Fridays periods 7 for Picasso, and Fridays periods 8 for Mozart. We are all very much looking forward to seeing their choreography in June.

ES3 students have now begun working on their first piece of IGCSE Drama coursework: a devised piece inspired by U2’s Some Days are Better than Others. Their ideas for the structure of the piece and their approach to the devising process so far show great promise.

ES4 IGCSE candidates continue to work very hard towards PAPER 1. Having read and work-shopped a staging of Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s The Visit, they are now rehearsing a devised piece titled He won a million (the second IGCSE prescripted stimulus). Interestingly, answers to the question “a million what?” have ranged from dollars to kisses to balloons. By our next post ES4 students will have sat PAPER 1 and will return to work on their coursework pieces for PAPER 2.

On Monday 2nd May, ES5 students presented their first group project in Assembly. The devised piece, titled Elle no es ella, explored the impossible standards of female beauty propagated by women’s magazines. Constructed from slogans, phrases and images culled from 5 issues of Elle magazine, the piece outlined 8 lessons women are invited to take away from such publications. The piece was very well received by both students and teachers, and prompted much post-performance discussion in class.

 Polimodal 3 Theatre Arts candidates are currently busy working on their Independent Projects.

~ Drama & Theatre Arts Department

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